Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Anniversary Party

Eluides & Stacey ~ June 26, 2009 ~ 10 Years

Me, in front of Lucrezia's, where we had dinner on Friday night.

OK, because I was floating around at the party, I didn't get a slew of photos like I typically would have. So, if you took some, burn me a CD :) Here is what I did get :) Oh and the menu was the following:

Fried chicken
Red Rice
Salad w/ choice of dressing
Potato Salad
Pasta Salad
Veggie Pizza
Mexican Dip
Veggie Tray
Fruit Tray
Relish Tray

And yes, I prepared it all (minus the rice, chicken & pork).

Zebbers & Aunt Stacey after cleaning up :)

Ben Martinez and my Daddy-0

We had a great time! We had a lot of friends and family come and we were happy to see everyone! Yes, we had lots of food left too! I even sent stuff home with friends and my fridge is still stuffed full :)

So, 10 years down, many, many more to go! :)

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Start of My Week

So, I have started out this week in an OK fashion -- if you don't mind a toothpick being jabbed into the fleshy part of your foot, red KoolAid being poured all over your cream colored carpet, messing up your ankle again, floors that need mopped and swept, and jobs to apply for! :-)

Yeah, OK, so I started my day off kinda crappy. I guess someone had dropped a red colored toothpick on the mauve colored rug in the kitchen sometime this weekend and *I* was the lucky one! OK, so a few choice words came from my lips, but good golly Miss Molly it hurt like the dickens! I think I might have gotten a splinter in the entire process too! No fears, I'll have Eluides dig it out with the tweezers later tonight!

Yes, Thomas spilled RED Kool-aid all over the floor! (I wonder if this is a sign -- red toothpick, red Kool-Aid, my foot is kinda red. . .hmmm) I had told him no, but the little booger had it anyhow! It was an accident, yes, but now I have a BIG RED BLOB stain to add to the other stains! What the heck, let's have a rainbow carpet! It's OK, one of these decades that carpet will be replaced, along with a bazillion other things that need fixed in this house! HAHA!

Don't ask about the weak ol ankles. WHO KNOWS what I did this time! It's the top of my foot that is hurting now! I'm so glad I never had to use crutches in high school! And yes, I am still refusing the surgery! I just don't have time to be laid up for over 6 months PER foot! Just not my cup of tea @ the moment!

My hubby did sweep the living room, daycare room, and the stairs! THANKS ELUIDES! Now, I just need to get the kitchen mopped! UGH! No rest for the wicked lemme tell ya!

Tomorrow I have an interview for a 1,3 and 5 year old. It's only part time, and the lady is waiting for the voucher program to kick in, so I am giving her a deal. . . She pays me and I'll still be able to keep our budget afloat! UGH! I am so ready to have a REAL job! I also applied for a position with Indiana Wesleyan for the Merrillville campus! Maybe, just maybe, they will give an alumn a chance -- an alumn with no experience. Maybe, just maybe IWU will let me put this MBA that I obtained from their school to use!!! Oh I do hope so!!!

Yeah, so I have not really listed the icky part of my day! My mom called. My Granny's cancer HAS spread :( I have not gotten ALL the details, but I know it has moved to other parts of her lungs and maybe even other parts of the body. I'm so not happy with her family doc, because last week they told her it had not spread nor grown. Today she goes to her oncologist and she gets the news! If I were a patient of this other family doc that Granny goes to, I would "eat her up and spit her out for dinner" (those are my sisters words mind you). This lady doc *shakes head* I'm not sure WHERE on earth she got her M.D., but she needs to go back to school! AND she needs a crash course in bedside manners! Maybe that is what I am meant to do! Run bedside manner courses? I could whip some of these docs into shape really fast! UGH!

So, there is my Monday in a walnut shell! Or maybe a clam shell!

I'm going to find my purse around here somewhere and upload some photos from our anniversary party from this weekend. . . .It was a wonderful party, and for those that attended - THANK YOU! Those that missed it - you missed a great party! *I* was wearing a dress!!! GASP!


Anniversary Party

Wondering if anyone out there wants to see some pics from the party? Give me a holler back :)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kool-Aid & Granny's

I was just making some sugar-free Kool-Aid with Thomas and I told him "My Granny taught me how to make Kool-Aid." He said "Granny?" I nodded and said mmm-hmm. My granny's favorite story to tell about me is the one when I was three (no I don't remember this either). She must have set me loose and I pushed a chair up to the counter and "attempted" to make my own Kool-Aid! I guess it was red and it was EVERYWHERE! What do you expect from a curious 3 year old? She will tell anyone that listens that that was the one and only time she has ever spanked me too! Yeah, OK, so I was a perfect angel for her after that! HAHA! So, I guess when Thomas attempts to make his own red Kool-Aid he had best be better than me at it! :)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First Trip Alone

There is no way I will ever forget my first trip alone, without my parents or siblings! I left Indianapolis at midnight on an AMTRACK train. My train was late (for some reason this just does not surprise me any more), and I was headed for NYC! Yes, folks, New York City! I was in between my junior and senior year of high school. Lemme tell you, when McCreery asked us to write the typical "What did you do over summer" paper in my Creative Writing class my paper was pretty full :)

The train ride was 23 hours long! I had taken only about $90 for a 3 week stay (I was a bridesmaid in my cousin's wedding). Nope, my parents did not shell out any money, that was all my babysitting money! I had two soda's, a PB & J sandwich and a bag of chips in my bag. That was all I had in my 23 hour trip! I was STARVING when I arrived at Penn Station! :)

I only got up ONE time from my train seat, and that was to use the bathroom! I was scared to leave my stuff in my chair alone. Have you ever tried to sleep in a train seat? UGH! Not comfy! I did not have a CD player, could not read while the train was moving, no seat partner (as if I would talk to a stranger). . . Yeah, I was BORED :)

I saw a man sitting on a train toilet (not a pleasant sight)

I saw parts of OH, PA, WV, and NJ for the first time ever. . . I rode up in one of the Twin Towers. I rode the subway. I rode a city bus! I saw parts of Queens and Manhatten. I went to a college for the day. . . I saw the first Batman movie . . . I saw plenty of homeless people.

And yes, folks, I was a scared teenager :)

But I think this trip opened up so many windows for me. It allowed for me to realize that not all strangers are going to hurt me. That I
could go three weeks without being around my folks (OK, by the end of those 3 weeks I was ready to sleep in my OWN bed though). That I would eventually move out of ol HC and into my own life at some point. It was the start of my freedom, and I enjoyed it a great deal.

Monday, June 22, 2009

New Title

OK, so I have a new title to the blog. I guess no one liked the original one -- so what do you think of this one then?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Fat Girl Goes Shopping

OK, normally I have no problem going shopping. As a matter of fact, I LOVE shopping! However, when it comes to shopping for fancy clothes (aka a dress) I HATE IT! Today my MIL took me shopping for a new dress for next weekend. We went to what seemed like a bazillion stores trying dresses! I am not a dress person, but I am going to appease my husband and wear one! My poor legs will be regretting it next weekend when the fat between my legs has rubbed together for four hours and I'm totally chaffed, but, I love him, so I'll do it! What a wife does for her husband lemme tell you. . . .

Anyhow, so, Juana and I start out at Macy's (where I have NEVER EVER bought clothes before, and still have yet to do). Then we headed over to Layne Bryant , Ashley Stewarts, CJ Banks, JCPenny's. . . . who knows there might have been another in there somewhere. . .I probably tried on 2 dozen dresses. . . . and let's face it -- unless a fat girl wears a heavy duty girdle with a truck load of spandex her rolls are gonna show through on a dress. And trust me, I have some heavy duty fat rolls! Well, OK, let's face it, I have one GINORMOUS fatroll -- my body! Every dress I tried on made me looked like a damn stuffed sausage. Did I mention I hate dresses? I like my clothes baggy b/c it can hide the fat rolls. . . but today, I was not going to get away with something baggy -- but guess what? Most fat girls have the boobs to fill out the shirts; however, this fat girl does not! It is ungodly hard to find bras that fit me! Trust me, next time you are at Wally World, take a peak in the over-the-shoulder-boulder-holder section and see if you can find a 48C! You might be able to find a bright white one, but I guarantee that you are not going to find a pretty lacy pink one, or a bright red one. They just don't make a 48C! 48DD, sure no problem. 48D period. SURE! 48C -- sorry ol girl, the boobies are just gonna flop!

So, after about 5 billion dresses and my MIL telling me I'm just petite and that is why my boobs don't fill out the dress (ha ha - let's face it, I got small boobies for being a fat girl), we finally decided upon two -- but they will both need altered in the shoulder area, to pull it up and attempt to fill the boobie spots! And of course, not only did my MIL buy the two dresses for me, she also bought me some boobie inserts! LOL Maybe I'll have cleavage on Saturday? HA HA! I guess if I could find a decent bra and use the silicone babies I'd really be set and Eluides would be drooling. . . .*snicker* However, I doubt I'll find a decent bra before Saturday. . .

Anyhow, I hate how I look in a dress. Gimme a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. . .a skirt and a pretty shirt. . . a pair of Capri's and a nice shirt. . . . anything that can hide the fat roll. . . .So, although I was very appreciative of Juana taking me shopping and getting me the goodies, I hated the experience! Having full-size mirrors to look at myself is depressing! And before anyone in the peanut gallery states "Well, only you can change that!" don't' think I do not realize it! I KNOW IT!

So, that was the mega event for today -- shopping for a dress! Now, i have to find me some ultra good panty hose that will 'hold it in', along with some Gold Bond lotion for my thighs next weekend -- and a pair of sandals!

Until next time folks. . . .

Friday, June 19, 2009

3 Wishes. . .

If I had three wishes I would...

If I had three wishes I would use them wisely! The first thing I would do is have all my debt permanently removed with a decent credit score! Yeah, I was one of those stupid college kids that had a couple credit cards and got into trouble with them. HOWEVER, by the end of July all my credit cards will have been paid off! No credit cards for me! It's so totally awesome to know that all I have left is my bazillion bucks in student loans! Now, to raise the credit score.

The second wish I would use would be good health and well being for all! This would mean no more cancer, no more diabetes (ohhh I could drink a real Coke!), NOTHING! I think the world would be a happier place, to a degree.

The third one would be to have a money tree that never stops growing or producing! I'd have a GOOD credit score then! HAHA!

So, there are my three wishes! Or at least my three wishes at this moment.

Monday, June 15, 2009

What is your favorite time of year?

So, Eluides and I are down in Bloomington this weekend. I've been once before, in the heat of the summer (UGH). Last night we walked around their downtown area and I can see why Eluides has always liked this area. It's busy, even in the summer time. If one were to go into the Village at BSU during the summer there might be a couple handfulls of people around, here -- sheeze, it was Sunday night and the area was still rocking! I'm not sure if it is because of the area, because it was a beatiful night or what -- but it was B-U-S-Y!

Personally - I think the weather had a lot of influence on everyone! Which leads me to the question - what is your favorite time of the year? Personally, I LOVE spring and fall. I love the fact in the spring one never knows what they will get in this great state of IN! Here it is the middle of June and we have yet to go swimming because it's not been warm enough! Now, don't get me wrong, I enjoy warm weather, so long as I have a room that is about 68 degrees that I can retreat to after sweating a few pounds off out in the heat, and I know you need to the heat to enjoy a nice day at the waterpark, but I could do without the 85 degrees of heat with a humidity of 10 bazillion! If I'm gonna have 85 degrees, give me NO humidity (or something really really low) and a nice gusty breeze blowing through!

In the spring you also have the fact that you have all kinds of colors popping forth after a nasty brown and white winter! The poor brown crusty grass is coming up and you get some luscious green stuff to walk on barefoot! Isn't the feel of grass beneath bare feet just totally awesome! You will have purple petunias, red impatients and green and pink begonias all over the place! The daffs come come in full force, tulips will soon need thinned out, those damn pesky helicoptors will need cleaned out of the gutters -- and you can turn off the heat and leve the windows open at night! God cannot be more colorful!

And fall! WOW! Not wanting to let go of the warmth, knowing what an Indiana winter will bring, but wanting to see the mums in full glory (one of these days I'll actually HAVE some mums in the fall), the dried up corn waiting to be harvested, the kids so anxious to show off their Halloween costumes. . . How can someone NOT enjoy these two seasons? Personally, I could do without summer and winter (OK, so I would need snow at least once so the boys could play in it, but that is it!UGH!). . . cool nights, warmer days. . .what more could a girl ask for?

Friday, June 12, 2009

Is chivalry dead?

Thinking back to when I was young, I realized something that is kind of pathetic. During my dating time, I was only picked up from my parents place THREE times in my entire dating history! EVER! Is this something that is normal? Probably not, but then again, I am not normal :)- I can still remember those three times too! The first time was with my first boyfriend, Pete. He drove into town, and picked me up for our first official date. The second date was with a guy named Jacob. He picked me up and we went to Kings Island with his little sister and cousin. And the third time, it wasn't at my parents place, but actually I was picked up from work by my now husband :) Does this tell you anything? Yeah, either I didn't date much or my boyfriends/dates were too damn cheap to drive to HC! HA HA! Oh wait, it was a combo of both! I also dated a couple guys that were mooches! What the heck, I knew how to pick 'em at one point of time! Now, don't get me wrong, had I dated in high school, I'm sure I would have been picked up more often from home; however, I did not really start dating until I was in college. Why would someone want to drive to HC, and then back to campus and then back to HC to drop me off and then back to campus? It was much easier to just meet up on campus!

Last Sunday Eluides was an usher, so I went to communion alone. There was an older gent, Kevin, sitting at the end of our pew. He got up and out and waited until I was out and in front of him before he followed. I find this very charming (not that Kevin was trying to charm me - he was just raised properly). I was talking to Eluides the other day and was telling him I hope that our boys are 'charming' in such a manner as well. Trust me, chivalry is NOT dead! It just isn't taught! I want my boys to know that it's OK to open a door for a lady, even if it is not their date, mother or granny, but a lady stranger! I want them to know that just because you have a key fob that will automatically unlock the car door that it's still OK to open the car door for your lady! I want them to know that yeah, so a woman wants to pay for a meal, they should always be prepared to pay first (but don't argue with the woman, she'll win anyhow:) One does not have to be a knight in shinning armor (plus, I don't think one could afford that darn armor these days).

Women (OK, or at least I do) still like to have doors opened for them, picked up for their dates, chairs pulled out (I'll put the napkin in my own lap thank you very much), the bill paid for (no dutch here any more), flowers to be delivered, etc. . . So, maybe we need to offer a class on chivalry? Or just teach our children better. . . I only hope my boys are respectful and courtesy. . . I think everything will fall into place if so. . .

Little Pig, Little Pig

WOW! I let the boys go hog wild outside and they look like PIGGIES! They SAT in the sandbox instead of sitting on the edge or AROUND it! Go figure ya know! So they are covered from head to toe in dirt and grime! Ahhhh what would a little girl be like? Afraid to get dirty? Or would she dive right in? I have a feeling she would dig right in!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Mommy! You flung it!

Well, it's nap time and my two boys have rung me dry already today! Add the other three DC kids and I'm exhausted and it's only noon!

So, I'm making grilled cheese for lunch today and Thomas said something to me as I was Country Crockin' one of the slices of bread. I turned around to look at him and he starts laughing and says "Mommy! You flung it!" At first I had NO idea what he was talking about until I looked down at my butter knife and lo and behold there is NO butter there! I looked around and asked Thomas to look around and we could not find the missing flung butter (the joys of having a cream colored kitchen UGH). So, I figured I'd eventually step in it with my bare toes and find it. . . and continued making lunch. As the stove top is heating up I'm slapping the Kraft singles on the bread and I see something fall from the side of the range hood. Yup, the butter blob! I guess my feet were saved from not having to feel the butter squish between my toes, and it wasn't that big of a mess (it melted off the hood). . . NOTHING compared to my Lemon Cake mess a few years ago. . .

I was preparing my dessert for the soup/salad night for Lenten service a few years ago. I was making this Hot Lemon Cake dessert. For those that know me and have been in my house I have a DENKY kitchen with hardly any counter space! (It wasn't the kitchen that drew me to this house, that is for dog-gone sure!) So I'm using my handmixer to mix up the pudding and cake mix. I placed the mixer to the side of the bowl, with the beaters dripping into the bowl. . . I turned around and did not know I had the cord wrapped around me! Yes, imagine it -- yellow cake batter/pudding mix in a great big green bowl. . . the mixer pulling away from the bowl. . . . OMG! YES It hit the floor!

It went KERPLUNK! I was a wee bit lucky. I say wee, because I had a mega mess on my hands. HOWEVER, the way the bowl landed, it landed the right way up! So, I didn't have lemon cake all over the floor -- but rather the CEILING! It was like a volcano when it hit the floor! I saw it in slow motion! The bowl hit the floor and the mix went flying UP, UP and AWAY! It was all over the ceiling, curtains, cabinets, window, stove -- everywhere BUT the floor! It was a MEGA mess! OK, so I still have some stuck to the ceiling! I got most of it when it happened and said screw it to the rest probably. . . . I was mad!

So, today's episode of flingin' the butter was nothing compared to Stacey's Hot Lemon Cake episode! I do wonder what will happen tonight when I cook dinner. . . .

Yes, there is NEVER a dull moment in this house!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Memories -- can they do you harm?

So, every once in a while a song will come on the radio, or a scent will blow through the windows, and I feel like I've been wooshed back to a certain period of time. . . and sometimes the memories are great, and sometimes. . . well not so great! For example, the song Roll On by Alabama always reminds me of when we had left for TN one summer and my Dad got us lost before we had even left the New Castle area! And we had driven that route many of times before! Or when I heard birds chirping on a fine summer morning, I cannot help but think of all the summers that Amber, Joshua and I shacked up in my Aunt Sissy's laundry room, on the cool, concert floor, with many blankets to soften our night of rest and waking to the sound of birds! I love it! And then there are the times when I hear a song and it makes me think about my high school and some college days when I was a bitter fat girl on an emotional roller coaster (OK, maybe I should admit that I still ride that coaster ever now and again. . . and damn what a ride it can be -- oh and I'm still fat). . .

So, I wonder if I should write about those memories I get every now and again. . . What do you all think? Would you actually WANT to read about my pissy teenage/college years? LOL Like, would you wanna hear about My Sherona and how it always reminds me of my lil sister and getting lost in Detroit? Or what the meaning is behind Wind Beneath My Wings? What about every time I see the junked up hole on Jefferson Street and how it always brings back park memories? Or when my Dad would take us walking on the tracks in the summer? I have so many memories. . . . UGH!

What is your opinion folks?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Why oh why?

HA! If you think this blog-blurb is gonna be about my life -- WRONG! I just have to ask this question to all the fems out there! This is a very serious question!

If you are gonna squat to use the public can, why can't you clean up after you pee all over the seat? I mean, c'mon, don't you remember seeing that old needlepoint in your aunt's bathroom when you were a kid "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie"? I know I remember it in my Aunt Shirley's bathroom! I always equated it to the men that used her bathrooms, but now I'm beginning to wonder if Aunt Shirley might have had an insight!

Yeah, OK, so I'm going to admit I don't 'nest' my seat with toilet paper! I make sure it is clean and sometimes will even swipe the TP around it just to make sure, but I am a plopper! Now, I've done my research, so don't get your panties in a bunch! Did you know that cell phones carry more germs than a public toilet? Yes, a freaking cell phone for cryin' out loud! Oh and research also shows that your keyboard at the office -- dirtier than where you tinkle! Can ya believe that! And you just put your fingers in the 'tater chip bag didn't ya? (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3505414.stm) Pretty nasty stuff to think about!

So, if you still insist on squatting (don't worry, Momma, you raised me right, but I just cannot do the squatting routine), and you pee all over the seat, be a WOMAN and wipe it up! Sheeze-oh-lou! And men wonder why it takes so long for women to use the bathroom and why there is always a line! Squatters pee all over the seats and no one wants to use that can (and for the record, if someone has peed all over the seat I'm moving on down to the next empty stall!)

New Blog

OK, I think I am going to like this blog better! I'll disable my Ramblings of a Fat Unemployed Girl later. I wanted to try this site out and see what happens! :) I like that it has more options (including adding photos:)

So, I'm trying it out. Post a comment so I can see what happens OK :)