Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Why oh why?

HA! If you think this blog-blurb is gonna be about my life -- WRONG! I just have to ask this question to all the fems out there! This is a very serious question!

If you are gonna squat to use the public can, why can't you clean up after you pee all over the seat? I mean, c'mon, don't you remember seeing that old needlepoint in your aunt's bathroom when you were a kid "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie"? I know I remember it in my Aunt Shirley's bathroom! I always equated it to the men that used her bathrooms, but now I'm beginning to wonder if Aunt Shirley might have had an insight!

Yeah, OK, so I'm going to admit I don't 'nest' my seat with toilet paper! I make sure it is clean and sometimes will even swipe the TP around it just to make sure, but I am a plopper! Now, I've done my research, so don't get your panties in a bunch! Did you know that cell phones carry more germs than a public toilet? Yes, a freaking cell phone for cryin' out loud! Oh and research also shows that your keyboard at the office -- dirtier than where you tinkle! Can ya believe that! And you just put your fingers in the 'tater chip bag didn't ya? ( Pretty nasty stuff to think about!

So, if you still insist on squatting (don't worry, Momma, you raised me right, but I just cannot do the squatting routine), and you pee all over the seat, be a WOMAN and wipe it up! Sheeze-oh-lou! And men wonder why it takes so long for women to use the bathroom and why there is always a line! Squatters pee all over the seats and no one wants to use that can (and for the record, if someone has peed all over the seat I'm moving on down to the next empty stall!)


  1. I am a squatter and always make sure the seat is clean after...however sometimes the flushes are strong and well, I may not wipe up their splashes as I am out of the stall. But I hear you sista.

  2. Some of those flushes would probably take you to the Great Lakes if you let 'em! My boys hate flushing public toilets b/c they are so loud! So, they go out of the stall and then I have to go in and flush 'em.
