Friday, June 12, 2009

Is chivalry dead?

Thinking back to when I was young, I realized something that is kind of pathetic. During my dating time, I was only picked up from my parents place THREE times in my entire dating history! EVER! Is this something that is normal? Probably not, but then again, I am not normal :)- I can still remember those three times too! The first time was with my first boyfriend, Pete. He drove into town, and picked me up for our first official date. The second date was with a guy named Jacob. He picked me up and we went to Kings Island with his little sister and cousin. And the third time, it wasn't at my parents place, but actually I was picked up from work by my now husband :) Does this tell you anything? Yeah, either I didn't date much or my boyfriends/dates were too damn cheap to drive to HC! HA HA! Oh wait, it was a combo of both! I also dated a couple guys that were mooches! What the heck, I knew how to pick 'em at one point of time! Now, don't get me wrong, had I dated in high school, I'm sure I would have been picked up more often from home; however, I did not really start dating until I was in college. Why would someone want to drive to HC, and then back to campus and then back to HC to drop me off and then back to campus? It was much easier to just meet up on campus!

Last Sunday Eluides was an usher, so I went to communion alone. There was an older gent, Kevin, sitting at the end of our pew. He got up and out and waited until I was out and in front of him before he followed. I find this very charming (not that Kevin was trying to charm me - he was just raised properly). I was talking to Eluides the other day and was telling him I hope that our boys are 'charming' in such a manner as well. Trust me, chivalry is NOT dead! It just isn't taught! I want my boys to know that it's OK to open a door for a lady, even if it is not their date, mother or granny, but a lady stranger! I want them to know that just because you have a key fob that will automatically unlock the car door that it's still OK to open the car door for your lady! I want them to know that yeah, so a woman wants to pay for a meal, they should always be prepared to pay first (but don't argue with the woman, she'll win anyhow:) One does not have to be a knight in shinning armor (plus, I don't think one could afford that darn armor these days).

Women (OK, or at least I do) still like to have doors opened for them, picked up for their dates, chairs pulled out (I'll put the napkin in my own lap thank you very much), the bill paid for (no dutch here any more), flowers to be delivered, etc. . . So, maybe we need to offer a class on chivalry? Or just teach our children better. . . I only hope my boys are respectful and courtesy. . . I think everything will fall into place if so. . .


  1. Of course I want my man to open my door as well as all those other wonderful things gentleman do. My little guy did it at a store for a lady and she was shocked not to mention I was too!

  2. Isn't it so sweet! :) LJ and Tom do it every now and again for other people. They love to 'abracadabra' the automatic doors for me :) OK, so they fight over doing it, but it's still sweet :)

  3. I have actually been teaching the boys to open the door for a lady. They are learning well. Eluides J. tends to do it alot and Thomas will generally do it for someone he knows. He still gets a little shy around strange women. Not that that is a bad thing.
