Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Memories -- can they do you harm?

So, every once in a while a song will come on the radio, or a scent will blow through the windows, and I feel like I've been wooshed back to a certain period of time. . . and sometimes the memories are great, and sometimes. . . well not so great! For example, the song Roll On by Alabama always reminds me of when we had left for TN one summer and my Dad got us lost before we had even left the New Castle area! And we had driven that route many of times before! Or when I heard birds chirping on a fine summer morning, I cannot help but think of all the summers that Amber, Joshua and I shacked up in my Aunt Sissy's laundry room, on the cool, concert floor, with many blankets to soften our night of rest and waking to the sound of birds! I love it! And then there are the times when I hear a song and it makes me think about my high school and some college days when I was a bitter fat girl on an emotional roller coaster (OK, maybe I should admit that I still ride that coaster ever now and again. . . and damn what a ride it can be -- oh and I'm still fat). . .

So, I wonder if I should write about those memories I get every now and again. . . What do you all think? Would you actually WANT to read about my pissy teenage/college years? LOL Like, would you wanna hear about My Sherona and how it always reminds me of my lil sister and getting lost in Detroit? Or what the meaning is behind Wind Beneath My Wings? What about every time I see the junked up hole on Jefferson Street and how it always brings back park memories? Or when my Dad would take us walking on the tracks in the summer? I have so many memories. . . . UGH!

What is your opinion folks?


  1. You write whatever that big heart of yours desires.

  2. Ahhh You are just so sweet Pineapple Salsa girl :)

  3. Ahhhhh THE TRACKS ! and I always think of the short story, "Stand By Me" when the tracks come to mind.... and the young unexperienced gal that got killed south of HC walking the tracks... and of course in TN over New River.
